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Celebration at the Declaration of War (4 August 1914)  

On the evening of 4 August, hundreds of people had been waiting impatiently on the streets for any type of war news. When news reached Berlin, and the rest of Waterloo Region, at 9:30 p.m. that Great Britain had declared war on Germany, the people were gripped with wild excitement. The news was posted on the window of the Berlin Daily Telegraph office, and was later followed by an “Extra.” When it was announced that Germany responded with her own declaration of war against Great Britain, the Star Theatre pianist began to play “Rule Britannia” and the crowd began to cheer.

While some celebrated the declaration of war, it is evident that others in the community had mixed feelings about the war. Catherine Olive Breithaupt, the seventeen-year-old daughter of the Louis Jacob Breithaupt, who was the president of the thriving Breithaupt Leather Company, stated: “I am not extra proud of my Teutonic blood tonight.” This diary excerpt depicts the conflict German-Canadians in Waterloo Region would face during the upcoming war with Germany.

(“Wild Excitement When News Reached Berlin That War Was Declared,” Berlin Daily Telegraph, 5 August 1914; Breithaupt, Catherine Olive. 1914 Diary (Breithaupt Diary Collection, Rare Books Room at Dana Port Library, University of Waterloo), 3 August 1914.)


Celebration at the Declaration of War (4 August 1914)


The Empire Is At War (4 August 1914)  

At 11 p.m. London, England time (7 p.m. in Waterloo Region) Great Britain declared war on Germany. This meant that Canada too was at war. The declaration of war was presented to the region by the newspapers of the region, which received the news through the wire. At this point, however, it was not known what type of contribution Canada would be giving Great Britain. Canadians waited to find out of Great Britain would accept Canada’s offer of a contingent.

(“Great Britain’s Declaration of War,” Waterloo Chronicle-Telegraph, 6 August 1914.)


The Empire Is At War (4 August 1914)




Canadian Parliament Makes Preparations for War (4 August 1914)  

On the evening of 4 August, a cabinet meeting was held in Ottawa, to address the financial crisis that was taking place as a result of the war in Europe. Canada’s Minister of Finance, Hon. W.T. White, took measures to ensure that Canada’s finances remained stable during the war. It was the Canadian government’s goal to ensure that business was able to proceed without interruption.

In addition to the steps taken to protect the financial system of the country, the Canadian government also established a system of censorship. A call was made for naval recruits to serve in Halifax for the defence of Canada’s coastline. Although Britain had not yet accepted Canada’s offer for an overseas contingent, Canada took the steps to ensure her own defence.

(“Cabinet to Assist Banks,” Berlin Daily Telegraph, 4 August 1914.)

Canadian Parliament Make Preparations for War (4 August 1914)


King George Addresses the Colonies (4 August 1914)

On 5 August, the Berlin Daily Telegraph reprinted an address to the colonies made by King George V of England on 4 August. King George expressed his gratitude for the immediate assurances that each of the colonies made to Great Britain, that they would give their fullest support to the Motherland. He said:

“I shall be strengthened in the discharge of the great responsibility which rests upon me by the confident belief that in this time of trial my Empire will be united, calm and resolute, and trusting in God.”

Canada and the rest of the empire were officially united in their fight against the Triple Alliance.

(“King George to the Colonies,” Berlin Daily-Telegraph, 5 August 1914)


King George Addresses the Colonies (4 August 1914)


Truce Between the Parties (4 August 1914)  

On 4 August, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the leader of the opposition (the Liberal party), announced that he was committed to a truce being observed between the Conservatives and Liberals for the duration of the “grave events.” He also stated:

“The policy of the Liberal party under such painful circumstances is well known. I have often declared that if the Mother Country were ever in danger, or if danger even threatened, Canada would render assistance to the full extent of her power.”

It was evident, only a day after war was declared, that both Canadian political parties were fully committed to the war effort, despite the fact that Great Britain had not fully indicated what type of commitment Canada would be offering yet.

(“Cancels Meetings, Sir Wilfrid Will not Bring Strife into Present Situation,” Berlin Daily-Telegraph, 5 August 1914; Photo Origin: London Advertiser, 4 August 1914.)

Truce Between the Parties (4 August 1914)



Lord Kitchener announced as Britain’s new Secretary of State for War (5 August 1914)  

As tensions increased in Europe, British Prime Minister H.H. Asquith and Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty, began consulting Lord Horatio Kitchener. Just before war was declared, all heads of missions on leave were ordered to return to their posts. Kitchener, who was on leave in England, was waiting for a ship to take him back his post in Cairo, Egypt when Asquith requested that he attend the Council of War.

On 4 August, Asquith interviewed Kitchener for the position of Secretary of War, and he was formally appointed the next day. Kitchener would prove to be an important addition to the British War Cabinet; he was adamant that Britain needed to prepare for a long struggle that would be primarily fought on land. This contrasted the widely held belief that Britain could quickly achieve victory with its navy. Once appointed, Kitchener took the steps necessary to raise a large land force.

(“Britain is Quiet,” Berlin Daily- Telegraph, 6 August 1914 & H. Cassar, Kitchener’s War, British Strategy from 1914 to 1916 (Washington, D.C.: Bassey’s Inc, 2004), 20-26; Photo Origin: London Free Press, 6 August 1914.)

Lord Kitchener announced as Britain’s new Secretary of State for War (5 August 1914)




Canada Prepares for War (5 August 1914)  

On 5 August, the Minster of Militia, Colonel Samuel Hughes, was authorized by the Canadian government to carry out a partial mobilization. In the week prior to the declaration of the war, there had been extensive efforts to ensure that the main defense posts of Canada were well prepared and fully manned. The Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR) had been mobilized and sent to strategic ports for the coastal defense of Canada. Additionally, harbours were fortified and mines were placed in strategic locations for the defense of Canada. Britain encouraged Canada to secure her self-defence before raising Canadian troops for overseas service.

(“House is Summoned,” Berlin Daily-Telegraph, 5 August 1914; “Canada in a State of War,” Elmira Signet, 13 August 1914; “Are Guarding Coal Ports,” Hespeler Herald, 20 August 1914; Photo Origin: London Advertiser, 3 August 1914.)

Canada Prepares for War (5 August 1914)




Ross Rifle (5 August 1914)  

On 5 August, the Canadian Government placed an order for 15,000 No. 3 Canadian Ross Rifles. The Ross Rifle Factory was to complete this order as soon as possible, which led them to hire extra workers to complete the order. This rifle was chosen by the Canadian Militia Department for its apparent superiority. Canadian military experts had proclaimed the rifle the best military arm in the world. The goal was to have enough rifles for all 25,000 men who would be assembling at Valcartier for training before going to the Europe. The Canadian Government placed additional rush orders for the rifle, so that in the event of a second or even third contingent, they would be ready to send the men overseas with arms.

(“Commands Home Fleet,” Waterloo Chronicle Telegraph, 6 August 1914; “No. 3 Ross Rifle for Canadians,” Hespeler Herald, 20 August 1914.)


Waterloo Region Nurses Ready to Volunteer (5 August 1914)  

After the war was declared on the evening of 4 August, Canadians across the country stated their intentions to volunteer. However, it was not just men who displayed this strong level of patriotism and support for the British Empire; women too proclaimed their intentions. Although there had not yet been a request made by the Canadian government or the Red Cross Society in Canada, nurses in the Twin City (Berlin-Waterloo) stated their desire to volunteer if such a request was made. Several nurses were ready to go overseas and take to the field. They were told that a medical corps would be organized within two or three days, if the need were present.

(“Nurses Ready to Volunteer,” Berlin Daily Telegraph, 5 August 1914; “Nurses for the Front,” Waterloo Chronicle Telegraph, 20 August 1914.)

Waterloo Region Nurses Ready to Volunteer (5 August 1914)


Will Need Certificate of Fitness to Serve (5 August 1914)  

On 5 August, the Berlin Daily Telegraph reprinted an article from Ottawa that explained the requirements for enlistment if Canada sent a contingent overseas. Although the article was originally published on 3 August in Ottawa, its content became all the more important by 5 August since Britain had declared war. As the possibility of Canada contributing a contingent increased, Canadians needed to know what the requirements for enlistment were.

Across Canada military corps were proclaiming their willingness to serve overseas. The Canadian Government responded to this by informing Canadians that there would be stringent requirements for enlistment into an overseas force. Every man would need to pass a medical exam, and secure a certificate of physical fitness. The article further informed the Waterloo Region readership that while it was expected that most of men in artillery batteries and cavalry troops would pass, few infantry regiments would see all of their men pass the physical. Additionally men with officer ranks would be under scrutiny as well, because only those with the most military experience and training would be entrusted with the command of Canada’s young men. The Canadian Government planned to accept only the best men for overseas service.

(“Need Certificate of Fitness,” Berlin Daily Telegraph, 5 August 1914.)

Will Need Certificate of Fitness to Serve (5 August 1914)