Catharine Breithaupt’s Diary (25-28 November 1914)

The Breithaupts, a prominent local family, contributed immensely to the war effort. Not only did the household insure the volunteers from Berlin, but they also manufactured goods for British servicemen. Catharine Breithaupt, the 17 year-old family member, recorded the business details of the Breithaupt Tanning Company in her personal diary. On 5 November, she recorded that a total of 2,600 shirts were shipped to the Canadian Expeditionary Force in Britain. Three days later the company sent another 2,200 shirts. Their commitment to the war effort and filling their war contract orders proves that those of German background in the region were supportive of the Canadian cause.

(Breithaupt, Catherine Olive. 1914 Diary (Breithaupt Diary Collection, Rare Books Room at Dana Port Library, University of Waterloo), 25-28 November 1914.)


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