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Belgian Relief Fund (19 November 1914)

Work began in mid- November to form a committee for the relief efforts in Belgium. Concerns over the contributions of the rural communities were paramount in a Waterloo Chronicle -Telegraph article. The Waterloo Chronicle reported on the ‘liberal’ responses by local farmers to produce food for the relief efforts. Local representatives of the Belgian Relief Fund reported that Huron County and Grey County already shipped 33 and 50 carloads of food to Belgium. The committee in Waterloo region was to assess what type of contribution the region could send.

(“Belgian Relief Fund,” Waterloo Chronicle-Telegraph, 19 November 1914)



Farmers and the Patriotic Fund (19 November 1914)

The Waterloo town council became increasingly concerned about the role of local farmers as contributors to the war effort. Not only were there questions posed regarding the lack of manpower to bring in the harvests due to volunteerism but also the role the rural areas would have in supporting the Funds being raised for the war effort.

On 19 November, the Waterloo Chronicle-Telegraph announced that the local farmers were willing to collaborate to raise monetary support for the Patriotic Fund and Belgian Relief Fund. Farmers committed to join the Patriotic Fund as a sign of good faith for the war effort. This commitment demonstrated that rural areas of the Waterloo Region would also to be heavily involved in the donation and industrial phase of the war effort.

(“To the Men of the Village of Ayr,” Waterloo Chronicle-Telegraph, 19 November 1914)
