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Start of the Patriotic Fund Campaign (5 October 1914)

Berlin officially set its first Patriotic Fund goal on the 5th of October. They persuaded the city’s residents to donate by reminding them of “British chivalry and humanity” along with their commitment to those who had already volunteered. The first goal Berlin set was to reach $75,000 by October 8th. This was the first step towards the city’s significant monetary commitment to the war effort. Berlin would contribute a significant portion to the roughly $22,981,616 that was collected across Canada by the end of the war.

(Photo courtesy of the Canadian War Museum.  Patriotic Fund stat from Statistics Canada, The Patriotic Fund Campaign,“ Berlin Daily Telegraph, 5 October 1914)


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Not Known Where Canada’s Contingent Will Be Sent (5 October 1914)

With the ever-increasing tension on the frontlines mounting and the threat of a long war becoming ever clearer, Canada began to ponder where the First Contingent, who were currently on route to England, would be used. Canada waited patiently as Indian and British reserves battled on the frontlines. The Berlin Daily Telegraph reported that rumors had begun to swirl around whether or not the Canadian troops would be sent directly to the continent or if they would be sent to Aldershot for additional training. Canada’s government remained silent on this issue.

(Not Known Where Canadian Contingent Will be Sent,” Berlin Daily Telegraph, 5 October 1914)

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